Hi, all
I hope Saloei and 3nrico don't mind, but I combined some of their work (from Samsung-Omna.org). Specifically, I combined some designs from "Colorful Phone Dial Numbers" buttons, originally posted by Saloei on Samsung-Omnia.org, and a PhonEx Theme, originally posted by 3nrico ("mixed_eng" skin). The originals can be seen here..
I was just having way too many problems with PhonEx on my Samsung Omnia i910 (because I also have S2U2.. compatibility problems with PhonEx). So, to skin my Samsung Dialer instead, I combined some of their different designs, as well as borrowing a couple of buttons from Tiki Dragyn here on this site. Hope everyone likes.
Here's the ZIPs.. I didn't bother making Landscape buttons, or Progress buttons. Just "button_number.bmp" and "dialer_bg.jpg". Too much work, and I only use Portrait view, anyway. But, I'll post some different backgrounds I got on Gimp. I'll also post some screen shots after this post..