Originally Posted by mashedpotato
Your understanding of the google 406 numbers is not accurate.
When somebody texts your GV number, it will come in as a 406 number, and you can reply to that number and it will be routed to them. However, that number is only unique to them when coming from your phone.
If you text that number from another phone, for example, it will not go to that person.
Unfortunately, GV does not have enough 406 numbers for everyone to have one, so they have developed this very creative way of assigning your contact with a 406 number. When sent from your phone, they know to route that number to the proper recipient.
The 406 number gets assigned when a contact first sends a text to your GV number. There is no known way of getting your contacts "pre-assigned".
Rereading that post, i realize i was very unclear. What i was trying to say was you could send to the 406 number and it woul go through gv w/o magicall.