Fair point.
But I think the bottom line should be the performance. If the Touch is way faster than Mogul, then I am all for it.
I have been using PPC for about 9 years now, and they never came with keyboards ealier. So using he 6700 and 6800 did make life a bit easier when texting, but overall I would love to loose the weght in my pocket even though I will loose the keyboard. And Touch has done a great job at using alternative keyboards (soft-touch-screen).
No one is forcing anyone to move to Touch - but I can tell you it will be a hit.
iPhone never looked exceptional to me, except that the wight and size was lot better than 6700, that I owned at that time. So, if HTC has taken a tip from iPhone, so-be-it !
I am waiting or my Touch to arrive
Originally Posted by mseck
hey guys
i do not think the mogul should be compared to the Touch, The Touch is more for people that i like multimedia surface, toy to mess with compare to the Mogul for business people like myself, i use my mogul all day long and the easy key to type make my life a lot esayer. i know the ram suck but what can you do . EVEN the touch is not the perfect PPC
The touch is just a competition for the Iphone
That's what i think