Originally Posted by Malatesta
Second call and once again "Your SERO plan is not compatible..."
I then mention about all the people who are getting the order through with SERO and she tells me that technically they can order the phone but when they get it, the email and internet won't work because they will need to switch plans. She wad adamant about that. Scare tactic?
Either they are deliberately misleading people to get them off of SERO or a lot of SERO users are going to have surprise when they go to activate their phone.
All I know is I have never had this much resistance when trying to order a phone before and it is not like I'm getting a deal on it--nearly paying full.
Personally, my BS detector is going off and I don't think there is a plan requirement, but damn if they aren't being consistent about it.
When you fellow SEP/SERO users get your TP2 working...please chime in with those details!
Did you ever get a response back from your Tweet you sent out yesterday?