Originally Posted by ahuskins
ThreeFaces - I found the error. Using the Weather Database Editor from J.eremy creates the city in the database just fine but DOESN'T allow for the timezone. It is set to "0". I.e. no data written to the database. There in lies the problem. TF3D has a city in the database with a timezone which conflicts with the timezone set in WM. I edited the custom city in SQLite adding the correct timezone data and no more problems!

Awesome...I was sure there was something simple like that, very stoked you cleared it up. I'll have to go back and look into the instructions for using J.eremys method. I edited my manila directly and keep a copy on my storage card with my custom city, so I just copy it over and I'm good to go.
The trick with adding your custom city to the database is editing an existing city in your timezone, which would effectively resolve the problem.
High fives.