Originally Posted by Asphyx
I believe thats a feature of the newest version of 6.5 floating around.
I could be wrong it may be an app but just about all the newest 6.5 roms I have seen have that.
Nice to see Cal back! Visual Kitchen will be great once I learn it!
thats not a feature of wm6.5, its an app someone created, ive used just about all 6.5 builds and none o fthem have this
Originally Posted by rose1
Anyone notice that in Manila 2.1, you cant dial your contacts from there? Also, when creating your card from the people tab, and it asks you to select a picture, it lockes up whether you choose facebook or camera.
you need tachi phone canvas to dial out of manila 2.1, you might need the facebook engine also for this to work, not sure if its included and also htc contact card