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Old 09-03-2009, 09:28 PM
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Nagrom Nniuq
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Re: [ROM][Updated 9/3/09]NagROM[WM6.5 Build 23041][Sprint, Verizon, & Alltel]

Current themes will NOT work with this build or 23037. You will need to use new themes. There are already some up on XDA. All my games work fine with it though as do all my programs except Total Commander and PocketRAR.

Think of this as beta testing a new OS. You are going to have incompatibilities and you will have to wait a long time because these builds will not be released to software developers for a long time. 6.5 isn't even out, let alone the 6.5.1 that we are running.
NagROM [WM Build 23551 for Touch][V0.19 & V3.19]NagROM [WM Build 23551 for TP2][V0.08 & V3.08]
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