Originally Posted by psyki
I thought I fixed the incoming call popup but I guess not. I believe I've fixed the 'vibrate and ring not sticking' issue, and I'll have voice command fixed in the next release. As for the memory leak the rom will boot up with ~42% used but after a day of use will hover around 50% instead of 60%. Unfortunately I can't release this "fix" in a cab because there are XIP modifications involved which must be done before building the ROM.
sounds good to me, i prefer having a new complete rom rather than installing cabs on top of a good rom, feels like im adding bloat even though i know im not. dont forget to fix the programable send hold key for me, it worked perfect in build 829,
p.s. theres a new plus version of the compacthome now and i asked the developer to make me a special plus2 version and he said he would so i gotta check xda if he completed it, it should be great.
p.p.s. this coming weekend i plan on editing up some new clocks for this rom and im gonna devote an entire day if not the entire labor day weekend to see what i can do about the tachi skin