error 103... cont.
Originally Posted by johnjirwin
I had the same problem a while back ...Coulda had V-8 time! It took me a while to figure out but then I don't claim to be the best person in following directions.
I did everything exactly correct (as I think you my be doing) EXCEPT when I got to the very very end of the process I WAS NOT typing in " 1 "or " 2 " or " 3 " while still viewing the "DOS command type window" (I forgot what the window was actually called). After everyting processes in THAT window you need to simply type in the corrisponding number (1 or 2 or 3 and then [ENTER]) that relates to the boot loader version you have don't "open" any files. I found this out by reading (word by word) through the whole process. I sure did feel kinda stupid when I figured it all out. I think you MAY be having the same exact problem.
Hope this helps you out.
Been there, done that!
I remember now! At the end of "CreateROM" is where you need to type in 1 or 2 or 3 depending on what boot loader you have.
Good luck!
Sorry, senior moment!
SeaRay Man
Laconia, New Hampshire
Verizon xv6800 - Radio: 3.39.10
No2Chem 5067 - Page Pool 8.85
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