Originally Posted by slopokdave
Your the first person I've seen post this. I got this too when I called back later to inquire about something else.... Don't know why i was eligible for the free month of service, but I didn't complain!
Originally Posted by Chef Parm
How did you get this offer? Is there a code the rest of us can use to get this?
i started a thread on it, to see if there were others... the free month thing was about renewing a new 2yr service agreement is all...
Originally Posted by gTen
he has a 99$ plan and he got 1 month free for renewing his contract, thus the discount...not that he officially got his phone cheaper.
kinda yes, kinda no... i had that thread that got closed because of the crybabies that couldnt handle it... i got my phone for $199 flat out..well taxes.. and i have to have the activ and ship fees credited off when the charges go through... i didnt pay 350 and im just adding things down..
i paid 200... plus got my free month... if you/I/we wanna look at as applied to the device, since its all on my bill anyways... sure, i got the TP2 for a 100 bucks then lol