Originally Posted by jtorres
Hello everyone, Jon (Noob) here. I just got an HTC Touch Pro, interested in personalizing it a bit more but have some questions b4 I do so to not run into problems.
When installing ROM's like this one, is doing so pretty much wipe everything clean, like a reformat but with the new ROM?
The reason I ask is I don't want to be spending hours experimenting, and I certainly don't want to get into a task that is going to involve doing compicated things with/to files and then find that I did something wrong and have my phone acting crazy....besides I don't want to lose my text messages.
And I also noticed these roms include a ton of stuff, thats the other thing, I don't want to load up my phone with things I wont use, just the things that I need, plus whatever advancements/improvements the rom will offer to my overal use of the phone.
Thanks in advance for any help.
so my question is, why do you want to flash your phone then? you dont have to flash you know. Thats the only way to do it bro. Is spend hours figuring out what works and what doesnt. As long as you can do a clear storage, you're fine. trial and error. as long as your phone is unlocked and your downloading a rom for the right device and technology, your not gonna screw your phone up.
I have been on this rom for a couple weeks now, and it still is by far the best to my liking. Im putting my wife on it now, and plan to leave her on it. So i was wondering if anyone had fiugered out a way to have titanium radar to work? Ive used GPS radar and tried merging the command but it will not lauch from titanium. Thats gonna be her one gripe, and If possible Id like to fix it. The second thing for me at least, say your on this site, via opera, and you try and reply or post a post. It wont let you type in the screen. Weirdest thing. Everything else about opera works, except letting type in letter feilds. Any body else experiencing this?