Originally Posted by horndoctor
Um I'm using the Stock WM6.1 rom on my Vogue and it's def not a POS.I'm pretty happy with mine after tweaking and hacking a lot of things on it. It runs anything out there and runs fast and smooth. I would think with the hardware upgrades that your device has ovet mine you should be able to do even more with yours. Don't be so dang spoiled!
Not spoiled at all, but point taken, I sounded quite naggy in that post...lol
The phone is not bad, but there's on nagging issue that's driving me nuts, and I know 3 other people with this phone and I've noticed the exact same problem that I'm positive is an OS issue. It cannot handle phone calls well at all. When you hang up a call, the phone is literally frozen for almost 10 seconds before its usable again. This may not sound like a big deal, but its huge because it makes it almost impossible to handle wall waiting properly because the phone is completely dead after it hangs up a call, so you can never go back to your first line if you pickup the 2nd call