Originally Posted by quadjacks
I have installed the latest Arcsoft cab which is Sprint configured. My question is, after i edit the server info to VZW, where can i find the REG of those settings to back up?
Found where to back up see below
1) After setting up server info location:
While in email account, choose; Menu|MMS Options|Servers Tab
2) Set up Server
3) Using Sktools or prefered Registry Editor drill to:
HKLM\\Software\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\MMSCSettings\ Now Back Up>>> Current Server Name, which YOU established during step 2
NOTE: If you installed, as i did, a carrier specific Arcsoft Cab other than yours, EX. Sprint Arcsoft MMS VGA Located Here you will need to return to the Servers Settings and make your Carrier DEFAULT, then deleting other Server.
Hope this helps
This was already on Post 1 under software
Arcsoft MMS Settings
backup reg key \HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1 export to
Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG