Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)
Hello everyone, Jon (Noob) here. I just got an HTC Touch Pro, interested in personalizing it a bit more but have some questions b4 I do so to not run into problems.
When installing ROM's like this one, is doing so pretty much wipe everything clean, like a reformat but with the new ROM?
The reason I ask is I don't want to be spending hours experimenting, and I certainly don't want to get into a task that is going to involve doing compicated things with/to files and then find that I did something wrong and have my phone acting crazy....besides I don't want to lose my text messages.
And I also noticed these roms include a ton of stuff, thats the other thing, I don't want to load up my phone with things I wont use, just the things that I need, plus whatever advancements/improvements the rom will offer to my overal use of the phone.
Thanks in advance for any help.