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Old 09-03-2009, 10:32 AM
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Anyone have experiences with Bell and their Warranty?

I'm going back to Bell today and I was hoping to try and gather as much information as I can about what I'm going there for.

My phone has the well known cracks on the case, 5 of them to be exact. One above and below the volume slider, and 3 on the right side by the SD card door thing. The paint is also peeling all along the cracks and nearby them. I took my phone into them and they said that the Warranty was only for 12 months and my warranty had expired as of March 28th this year.

My response to them was that I bought the extended warranty (which I did.)
Their response was the extended warranty does not cover "cosmetic" damages.

I'm going back today because I have 2 new issues to ask them about.
Normally, I can go a full day with moderate to heavy use of my phone. In the last 3 or 4 days I've been struggling to make it through a day with maybe 20 texts sent, and a half hour of listening to music on my way to work and 5 minutes of browsing. Do you think the battery will be covered by the extended warranty or is that another mysterious and convenient loophole in their "extended warranty?"

Lastly, My usb connection seems a little weird lately. If I move my phone while its plugged in, it will lose the connection, and there is quite a bit of play in the cable while its connected. (The cable can rattle in all directions.)

Long read I know, but I'm just looking for some help so I can go in at least a little informed so I can "hopefully" walk out a happy customer.

Phones: HTC Vogue (Incubusj2c's 2.2 RLS12) RETIRED
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (Rooted, stock FW)