Originally Posted by horndoctor
There is a problem with the PPC Style. If I select the PPC Style at the bottom of the page with the style chooser I can login and browse normally but if I try to post I get an error message that says "a security token is missing please contact the administrator" and I can't post. I get the same error when I use IE or Opera Mobile 9.5.Also, I believe that this is the same style that Hibby's PPC Geeks App uses and I get the same error if I try to access the site with it. Looks like it is a problem with the PPC Style instead of Hibby's App.
This has been an issue since the first upgrade at the end of July. Its because the mobile styles aren't compatible with vBulletin 3.8. We are looking into WiForums as our WAP style, and if Mike decides to purchase it, we will have a great working WAP skin for the forums.