I viewed the pics for the TP2 and IDK maybe I'm wierd but I just dont like it...LoL
Same specs but bigger screen just didnt excite me...I love the TP keyboard and TP2 kb looks so different....I like the rhodium setup but with awesome chefs like yerself I can use that with the original.....
For the most part I love the Touch Pro and everything about it.
I cringe at the thought of having to take a TP2 for a replacement if my TP fails...So far just a kb swap but the TP seems comparable to Xbox 360 failures...They sorda have common build failures with the unproper ventilation issues...
I hope if and when it fails they just give me a TP NIB because I gotta couple of scraches and dents that I wouldnt mind if they dissappeared...
When tax time comes around I might have to accidently lose this TP and pay the $100 deductible to assurion