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Old 09-02-2009, 05:46 PM
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Re: HTC Pro 2 vs. Telus HSPA

When i say additional hardware i mean they are not going to allow you to swap in on to their HSPA network. You would have to do a few things first:

1) Buy a current TELUS HSPA smartphone.
2) Unlock the TP2
3) Use a ROM to switch frequencies (only recommended to advanced users as it may brick your phone)
4) Swap the SIM card from the current HSPA TELUS Branded phone into the HTC TP2.

Not everyone is going to be able to unlock the handset. You could always pay to have it done. Furthermore, you would have to purchase a NEW TELUS HSPA smartphone.

If you LOVE the TP2 that much and have and extra $600+ laying around to buy yet another phone, then I say go for it.

Otherwise, use one of the BETTER TELUS HSPA phones that are coming out.
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