Originally Posted by winmonewbie
It's not the ROM, IMO. I've been running since 8/11 and have SR 5-6 times but I feel it's due to mods I've made. Again, IMO, I dont trust the manilla 2.x mods yet, they're pretty new. They may appear stable and not cause big crashes but it seems to me the more 2.x "safe" mods I made the more the little quirks showed up needing SR (dont want to name them as this is purely my opinion). This ROM is rock solid and after some testing the only mod I love is cmylxgo's Pimp package, NO SR needed. Cant give a more scientific explanation, just what I see.[/QUOTE
+1 I have to agree 100% it not the Rom it's the user 9 out of 10 times. IMO 
Well I'm running pretty much stock except for lumos and crack*****s snooze options.
crack*****s snooze options does break the new notification window and reverts back to old 6.1, i guess that could cause issues... but i cannot stand not having additional snooze options
is the lack of snooze options a manila 2.1 standard thing now? is it the same on all 6.5 + 2.1 roms now?