Can't win.. Why can't sprint give us what we want???
What I really want, is a HTC Mogul w/ 128mb memory and working bluetooth and enabled GPS. is that too much to ask for???
I've been looking over the Sprint touch's specs.. and for me, these might be deal-killers -
No Wifi! This isn't normally a big deal - but I use wifi religiously when out of sprint range.. (i.e. in europe..)
No keyboard - OK so there's good solutions such as the pcmkeyboard.. but a real keyboard is nice
No buttons! stop trying to imitate the Iphone - if I wanted an iphone, I'd get an iphone... Why can't you have buttons, AND touch flow??
The above would be so easy for them to have in a phone.. Next wish list? Add a larger screen! 320x240 has been around forever... how about an upgrade?