Try this.
In the middle of a call try to minimize the call screen and go to the Start screen (or Titanium or TF3D, shouldnt matter where you go really).
When I do that, after about 5 seconds, the screen goes black. I have to hit either the center D-pad button or the power button to bring it back up.
Furthermore, after I do turn the screen back on, it randomly decides when it wants to turn off again, regardless of whether or not I touch anything else.
It keeps doing this so long as a phone call is active in the background while I browse around files and folders elsewhere.
Many times during phone calls, I need to retrieve info stored on my phone (be it notes or what have you) and it's really infuriating when the screen goes black all of a sudden when I try to access them, and repeats this behavior any time I venture outside of the call window.
Like I said, this must have something to do with a tweak or sensor setting because the stock rom (nor Mighty ROM) doesnt have this issue.
Admittedly this doesnt happen every single time, but it's the randomness of it that is a bit vexing.