How do you like your treo pro?
I'm in the market for a new phone and im getting as far away from HTC as I can (well atleast HTC BRANDED phones)
My only 2 choices are really the Treo Pro or the Palm Pre but since im on sero it looks like im stuck with the treo pro (not saying thats a bad thing)
So far out of all the phones Ive ever had in my life my treo was the only one that didnt suck after 6 months.
I know if someone posted in the mogul forum when I had one everyone would say to stay away so how do you guys like your treo pro? What are the cons you have come across in the time you have had it?
Ive come to find that all I want is a fast phone with fast internet browsing. Thats about it!
And lastly...How much ram does it have? I hear 256 but then I hear 128 and so on.
My history in phones:

Last edited by afx; 09-02-2009 at 02:11 AM.