Little Help Please :)
ok i have a xv6700 that was fully flashed to cricket. me bein dumb was so excited that i forgot to find a wm6.5 rom that worked with cricket. so i installed a custom rom an not i dont have working internet or mms like it used to. i still have talk an text it just no internet or mms. i put everything in epst, settings > connections an everything else like all the steps an tutorials say in other places. i think i just need to reflash it to a cricket rom an go from there.
ok here my thing. where can i find a cricket approved rom. if i have to flash it back to 6.1. if i have to go back to wm5 thats fine as well. i should have used 6.1 anyways cause 6.5 is slow on my apache that would be fine to.
heres the device info. i think its verizon info here but im not for sure cause i can still talk an text!
rom version - 3.61.00 WWE
radio version - 1.43.00
extrom verison - 3.14.208 WWE
prl version - 01115
thanks for all the help PPC ROCKS!