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Old 11-04-2007, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
well first off ive been working with WM phones since they came out- 6600,6700 700wx, mogul, touch, Q etc. .............
This is not a personal attack on you so please bear with me. I've used PPCP since the first PPCPE by T-Mobile and everybody who had that first phone edition or earlier PPC without the phone would/can attest that alarm on pocket pc phones are touch and go. Nobody can name a PPC device that didn't have an alarm problem.

So your alarm not working on your PPC is not a legitimate issue. They rarely always work, some people will swear that they've never had alarm issues and some what will tell you it's a nightmare.

The first couple hundred threads in XDA-DEV website are all about alarm issue. So like I said, I'm not sure what you meant by you've been using PPCP since day 1, I have and they've always had alarm issues.