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Old 09-01-2009, 03:37 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by MordyT View Post
To sum this thread up:

1) Yes our devices don't have the proper drivers
2) Yes they would preform better with proper drivers
3) Some people will not buy the TP2 Because of Missing Drivers
4) Some people think its ok without drivers and will still buy.

Now how better it will get with drivers is not what this thread is asking for. All Ex wants to know is how many feel Drivers are needed.

Please, just vote and let us see what people think. No more arguing how much better it will be and if 6.5 changes anything. Because without the drivers, noone has any rock solid proof. Just (very) educated guesses based on facts, but no proof.

And stop comparing to the iTurd. This isn't the iPhone forum. Join the "why does everyone hate the iPhone" if you wish to discuss how it has better/worse 3D.

HAHAHA! There you go. Now.. let the voting continue.