Originally Posted by zone23
Well at least you didn't bash the ROM before you determined if it was a problem on your end or not (nice). Anyway I just type 100 words per/min on my key pad with ZERO lag. Not really, Actually Psyki's ROM has the least amount of lag of any ROM I have used on this site. You might want to reflash or check to see if something is running. BTW we are all very hard core and I kinda take that as a person shot towards myself Psyki and everyone in this thread. Guess were just not up to your texting /emailing ability. 
Take it easy... not questioning anyone on their ability to be hardcore....
Guess I should have phrased it differently, more like big business usage wise...
I just know that some of us use the phones for calling people, emailing, and business activities. Where as others use it more for the entertainment/recreational types of uses. Some complain of how MP3s play, but I have never even tried to load/play any MP3s through my phone... So for each type of user, a different bug/problem may be present.