Originally Posted by nemoid
Handset technology can't catch up to a non-existent OS. WM6.5 nor 6.5.1 will save them from their fate if WM7 fails. They're band-aids on a gunshot wound.
Microsoft is way too late to the game of competing with the iPhone. They shouldn't have wasted time, money, and resources on 6.5. They should have just focused on 7.
Yea, I agree, should of gone right for 7. 6.5 is nice but, after playing with an iphone for a day or 2, it's getting there but, not there yet. I'm a pocketPC user from 1.0 (remember those ?), and it's sad where we are at with the thousands of dollars I have spent over the years on these devices.
I saw the ZuneHD interface, impressive, that should be WM 6.5 now....