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Old 09-01-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: Tethering question.

Originally Posted by Fua View Post
Thanks for all the help guys.
I realize that MightyROM has it all set up, and I have tried it already and it works great!
What I was trying to figure out is what had to be changed from the stock ROM to enable this.
Also, what the difference is between PAM and DATA as far as how the data is transferred.

To elaborate on what others have stated, and based on my knowledge of what I've gathered thus far in these forums (others can correct me if im wrong).

Mighty (as well as a few other chefs) have implemented tethering "hacks" if you will into their ROM's.

What this means is, you can use your Data connection to tether with, even if you don't have a Phone as Modem plan.

So in other words, you don't have to pay extra when tethering, so long as you do it reasonably.

To me this implies the following:
a. When you connect your phone via USB to the PC, do NOT choose Internet Sharing - Phone as Modem
This is a PAM plan that most users do not have (if you are one of those that do, then by all means use it)

b. Instead, use the built-in Internet Sharing app (im using Energy's ROM now), and in my case, it's located under:
Start > Internet (folder) > Internet Sharing

Once there, from the Network Connection drop down menu, select DATA instead of Phone as Modem.

c. From henceforth, whenever you want to tether with your phone, first
1. Go to Start > Internet > Internet Sharing (or wherever yours is located)
2. Ensure that it's set at DATA
3. Click connect
4. Only after doing all of the above, now connect your USB cable

I used the above method on Mighty ROM for 2 months without a PAM plan, and was not charged a cent for Data-tethering (even went over the 5GB limit, BIG time).
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