Re: VZW; Buy Touch Pro 2 till Diamond 2/Whitestone comes out?
this is kinda off topic but i can run Quake Mobile and a few FPS mobile games on my Dell AXIM X50V a 4yr old Dell PDA (3.5" lcd, 640x480, 624mhz Xscale cpu, G2700G 3d Accelerator w/ 16mb ram)
Problem is no keyboard so key mapping is hard. If the Tp2 is at least as fast as the A50V i will be really happy. And maybe some kinda way to use a Mouse look function... i know theirs no hardware direction pad but something like it...
Also i would LOVE to be able to run Half Life, i know its a big kinda out there request not really dependent on HTC. i dont even know if theirs a pocket pc version of Half Life. Their are portable versions of all Half Life 1 based games.