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Old 09-01-2009, 04:57 AM
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Re: Omg please help!!! Serious serious brick!!! $200 down the drain with sprint!!! O

First off relax. Make sure your SD card is formated for fat. If so, redownload the stock rom. place the RAPHIMG.nbh file on it and see if you can get into the bootloader, and it seeing the ROM. If so see what happens.

Also note this:

step 1.) Flash a stock SHIPPED rom (not dumped while a dumped rom is just the stock rom, the certificats are signes wrong and once you flash the locker it will give an invalid rom error.

step 2.) flash the relocker this again is a flash exactly like a normal rom flash. after these two steps are done, you are relocked.

This is from the how to lock sticky

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