Originally Posted by ahuskins
You know, it could be. I am assuming you didn't install the other DShow? Does your youtube audio work?
Stock D-Show
- screenshot-look instead of transitions between emails & when reviewing photos or videos in Camera.
**NOT RECOMMENDED, just informational**
HTC DShow 2.0.19143026.WAlien.cab - Youtube Audio broken again but everything else seems OK. I'll see if it has any negative effect on GarminXT Mobile tomorrow.
Didnt try the one you posted yet... but I've abused this ROM enough. I'll get back to you tomorrow after HardReset (only my 2nd one, and I put it off all day).
Juicy makes such an awesome ROM that I seriously just throw apps at it trying to break it, most of the time unsuccessfully. But I finally broke the double-tap zoom in Opera and HTCAlbum.