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Old 08-31-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Game consoles does not have OS's like WM or Vista to deal with. Software is in direct contact with GPU. Unlike WM or XP, There are a lot of running processes,dll, IRQ's etc to deal with.
U see, If U build a custom gaming rig, Ur 2 gran does not even perform as well as PS3. And PS3's are onlu 400 bucks. The Specs is not even close to ur 2gran gaming rig.
Sorry to burst your bubble. But I just build a 1000 dollar rig. And it blows away the PS3 in frame rates and it 2x times the resolution. So I reeally beg to differ.