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Old 08-31-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by pbeaul View Post
Not that I want to defend Exil3d... but if you go to say the windows folder, and try to scroll fast (flick the screen) you'll notice some hesitation/page tearing (where the image stops being fluid)... Would graphics drivers help that... most likely. Would it still be possible to induce that effect even with proper graphics drivers? Probably.

To me, the problem is clearly CPU bound, but without digging in too much it's impossible to determine just how much the graphics driver would alleviate. But it would be better.
There you go! Even the common man can see that the flaw in IN the CPU. Even HTC has admitted that. They have said over and over that its a licensee issue and not the CPU. pbeaul... there is no need to come to my defence. Its a matter of knowledge of how devices work and the date behind it. I am not trying to make enemies but rather spitting back at HTC and Qualcomn for again shoving yet another cripple device. After we all (well some, over 10000 ppl) compained about it 2 years ago and some moaned in how we are wrong and HTC is right. But look where that got us? Here.. to the exact same problem.