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Old 08-31-2009, 11:42 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by 8notime View Post
That was my experience as well.

Yes..... 6.5 actually does scroll better. Granted the 6.5 CORE os is better and DOES scroll smother. I have experience that myself. SO you are both correct. Now... if you can make tomtom or IGO8 run faster than 4 to 6 fps even on 6.5 then I will eat my shoe. Imigeon Chip is nto rendering and that will prove it. I will give you that 6.1 has the page tear that I was speaking off. 6.5 has been more refined and does have a smoother scroll. BUt thats not where it ends this conflict with the drivers. Other applications that do require the imageon chip to run it will chugg down to a crawl. Again.. to witness this yourself...... run tomtom or Igo. And run the latest versions so you can run out older version argument.