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Old 08-31-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
Proper Drivers will enable the ATI Imigeon chip build in our Duel Core CPU. With that enabled, not only will it push out more polygons but it will make all our pages scroll smooth like butter. Here.. open up your file explorer and scroll up and down, you see how it chuggs while you scroll? You see how it actually gives a page tear? Those graphic anomalies are normal when any video card runs on standard universal drivers. Those universal drivers just take use of the bare minimum power of the Imigeon Chip. Its like you removing your video card drivers from your video card from your PC. You can actually go try it yoruself and you will see that your PC will behave very similar to the PRO. Where as when you scroll on the net or open up a folder with alot of files and you scroll down and up you will see that theres page tear and a lower refresh rate. You can actually even see the hertz flash. Thats the best I can describe it. Just try it.
Well i just did as you stated and there is no "page tear", or "chuggs" when i scroll up and down in file explorer. I am running JD's 23037 6.5 rom. I'm not going to play with parts in my computer just not that important to me. So if this is your best explanation of why we need drivers, i would have to say they really wouldn't make that big of a difference in the things i use my device for.
YounG E
YounG BreeD Entertainment
Minnesota Militia/Touch Pro Division

Last edited by Young_breedent; 08-31-2009 at 11:25 PM.
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