I installed DCD's VZW Carrier cab right off the bat. I remembered that your post somewhere stated that I needed to install a carrier... I always dial *228 option 1 to program my phone after flash. it took three tries to get it to program. I could make calls, and recieve texts, but the notifications were all stacked on top of themselves and unreadable. I kow there is a notification fix cab here somewhere... Ill find it later. the font issue that I mentioned isnt a problem, just was an observation.
here is my ideal ROM...
Titanium showing weather, Chome, Cclock, Cmessages, Cemail. gagetfreaks square taskbar like you used. your normal visual tweaks. as for progs... just HTC album with facebook uploader, opera, and the tachi dialer. the few random progs I want after that i can Cab in.
again, Im just a bit neurotic in watching my RAM. its a sickness I have.
I feel bad critiquing your work as I could never build anythig like this on my own. I can download something like Scotts SSK kitchen and cook something, but he already did the work.