Sprint agreed to swap my Mogul for a Touch
I sent Sprint an email last night asking to return my Mogul because of unacceptable BT performance, and said I'd consider a swap for a Touch. (I've had the Mogul since July)
Just got a response from Sprint - they agreed to swap!
I'd have to pay any price difference (which is fine - I basically paid full price for the Mogul). They asked me to respond within 3-5 days, then they'll order me a Touch and send a return kit for the Mogul.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Factors in my decision:
- I'm not convinced that Sprint & HTC can fix the Mogul BT; I still suspect a basic HW flaw (some work, some don't; seems like thin design margins)
- I AM convinced that the Mogul will never have more memory :=)
- I'd miss the Mogul keyboard, but I really don't do much SMS and email from it anyway
- I suspect the Touch will have more penetration in the market (yes, I know, business versus consumer focus); therefore more support
- I think the Touch may have more hacker support long term
- I'm ready for a new toy!
Anyway, I need to see and play with the Touch tomorrow the 4th in a store. I suspect I'll love the form factor. Assuming the soft keyboard is usable, and BT works (I'll take my favorite headset), I'll most likely go with the Touch.