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Old 08-31-2009, 01:17 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Originally Posted by Mr_LeE View Post
Ok now that it's done.. I assume it restarted.

now were back to phase one..

its still stuck on the splash screen :S.. should i unplug it or what?

sigh.. am im doing something wrong? lol.. its not that hard i assume.. just flash and it restarts.. and it should be on the new firmware isnt it just it?
Mighty Rom is for cdma phones only (unless that has changed recently). Now, im no expert, however, if im not mistaken, doesnt optus run on the 850mhz wcdma technology? Also, are the hardware specs on the optus TP like verizons with lower memory? If so, either of these could be your problem. both would be worth checking into. If its a low memory issue (which is what ive heard causes the freezing at boot issue), then lowering the page pool might help. I think verizon guys are using a 6mb page pool for optimal performance.
My phone is like my genitals. Id cry if i lost it, and i like to use it everyday.