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Old 08-30-2009, 11:27 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23037

Originally Posted by mindtrip1016 View Post
Anyone else having problems with contact information showing up? Scrolling through contacts, I can see the main phone numbers, photo and name, but selecting a contact shows a blank white page. Also, I can not select a contact from the dialer screen either, unless I select from the call history.

Also wanted to add that this ROM is a 10 out of 10 when it comes to functionality, speed and memory usage. Definitely the best I have come across. I have been on the phone, bluetooth, texting and email all day long and still hovering above 23mb ram!! Normally I would be around 10 or 11mb with any other rom.
the contacts issue is a problem in the 23037 build, however, it will get fixed in future builds. not much we can do at the moment.
BBS 1.0 FRG22D smoke glass
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