Originally Posted by jerebediah
Hi I've tried almost every rom on ppcgeeks lol! I am Loving the EnergyRom the most... but one thing i noticed was that the battery life is really bad compared to others is their a way to fix this thanx... and amaaaaazzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggggg rom =)
Welcome to the greatest ROM

Battery life has been discussed to death in 8900+ posts.
Threefaces has great start up guide to get you underway.
Some basic info-try different radios to see which one gives the best reception which will help your battery. Control you backlight! The Chef has it set to 'full blast'. I've used Lumos but the Chef suggests the Auto dim feature already on the phone. For me Auto dim works just fine.
There are a few reg mod that'll help as well but I think Threefaces covers them.
EDIT:Merry Christmas

See attached