Re: GPS issues
I have said this before and it really does seem to help with gettig locks. Download CleanRam. Whenever I am going to use an app that is going to use gps I run CleanRam before I open the gps app and this seems to help me get a lock quickly. If I am having trouble getting a lock then I will exit the app and run CleanRam then go back into the gps app and I usually get a lock right away. I don't know if this will help your accuracy issue. I think the accuracy of your location info is probably due to an issue with your carrier and not your device. I don't know if this can be changed unless you are able to get a stronger signal from your carrier. Maybe upgrading your radio version would help. If you are getting a strong signal (3 or more bars) I would say this may not change.
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!
