Originally Posted by askwhy
Well, for one thing the packages that come in the more recent 'Gen.Y-Manila_R1.1_VGA_CFC-OEM' all contain _skip files that would need to be removed. There are some packages that contain multiple versions within their folder(s) and you need to sort out what you want and don't want. That also goes for language/localization -- there are lots (and lots) of extra files you should probably remove if all you are building for is English (0409).
Short answer: Try the nice and clean Gen.Y R1.1 OEMs that Calkulin (thanks Calk!) put together for his last kitchen hosted here on PPCG. They work great for me in DCD's 2.06 kitchen. Drop the one's you need/want into the OEM folder and they will be cooked in.
Man you always have a clean concise no nonesence answer!
they seem to update often however, why would they put so much bloat in there like that?
Is the version you suggest, updated often!