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Old 08-30-2009, 12:11 PM
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Re: IphoneToday ver. 1.25 is out

The old and complex way; doing it yourself:

On your PC Edit the setting.xml file with notepad. There are a lot of settings you can mess with, I only recommend touching these:

Start with: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

a. <iconWidth>48</iconWidth>
This is the size of the icons in pixels

b. <numIcons>4</numIcons>
This is how many icons per row (left to right)

c. <moveThreshold>15</moveThreshold>
Leave these alone

c. <screenHeigth>265</screenHeigth>
This is how tall the screen is. Remember you have bars on the top and bottom so this is not your screen height.

d. <screenHeigthL>187</screenHeigthL>
This is how tall the screen is in Landscape. Remember you have bars on the top and bottom so this is not your screen height.

e. <factorMov>5</factorMov>
Leave this alone

f. <fontSize>7</fontSize>
Set the size of the font

g. <fontBold>1</fontBold>
Set the font to bold

h. Set the name of the days; I use Sun, Mon, Tue… . These will display at the top of your calendar.


i. <backTransparent>0</backTransparent>
Set this to 1 if you want a transparent background for iPhoneToday

End with: </root>

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