ZLaunchy uses a custom dialpad to search all program shortcuts in the Start Menu (
More Info).
Change history for version 0.2 - Added support for square QVGA (240x240 and 320x320) devices
- Support for entering digits or text using hardware keyboard
- Configuration panel - vibration feedback, additional search location
- Added possibility of searching My Documents and one additional directory (multiple directories coming soon)
- Searching for strings not only at beginning of words (by appending 1 at the end)
- Optionally run on startup - starts and hides ZLaunchy in the background
- Minor bugfixes
Plans for future releases - More configuration options
- Configurable, easily switchable "profiles" - i.e. "start menu", my documents, custom directories
- Ability to search in settings items - not sure on how to list items in there from C#
- Multi-language support - both translations and better locale-specific searching (only supports English and Polish nicely for now)
- Support for theming (result list and buttons separately)