well theres a couple of ways 1.croppin da song down 2 30 sec usin an audio program then copyin and pastin onto da phone,which is wat i do Sony acid 6.0 great for modifyin properties of da songs as far as turnin up da treble vocals and/or bass 2.u can download HTC audio manager and it will allow u 2 create ringtones i havent done it dat way so im not sure bout da steps 3. thers a program on ur mogul called java which u open it onced loggd in it has a folders called ringtones if u follow da links once in a while it will work lol 4.if u have da music application installed on ur phone (phone would install it when u first turn on ur mogul unless u stop it)u can log into da sprint music store and just listen to any preview of any song once u do dat go to File Explorer>My Device>Application Data>Volatile>there should b a WMP file just copy then go 2 My Device>My Documents>My Ringtones>and just paste and voila u got a free ringtone complementary of sprint being they charge out da ass fo a phone dats late fo its time