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Old 08-29-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.2.2] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
Thanks Brother! Of course "Thanks" was tapped.

EDIT: Notice that Personalizer 3.x doesnt work with the update, date remains on home screen not what I changed to, worked before update on home screen and currently works within S2U2 but not on TF3D Home Screen, no biggie, just FYI
No it will not work with the current Home screen mod I have installed with this package. What the Personalizer does is change the Carrier name entry in the registry to reflect on the home screen. This portion has been removed from the home screen so you will not see it. You can install the Kamill's CompactHome Classic Full version on top of my package and you can get your Personalized home screen working again
I work better Drunk...
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