I paid for a spoofcard.
Purchased 60 minutes. Used it for 3 minutes and my account shows more minutes than that being used.
I read the small print and saw that every 2 weeks or so, credits are deducted.
I gotta remember to read everything next time.
With the WinMo application, is the pricing going to be different, such as a one time fee.
One more question. When is your call trap service coming to Sprint?
I know that you're ready at your end but has there been any progress on Sprint's end?
I tool a look at your link and over here >
and it appears that you will still have to purchase minutes to use spoof calling.
Downloading the application will just make it easier to use because it will integrated with your device.
Right now, I have the pin number and just dial as needed.
I don't use spoof minutes frequently as it can get costly, @ approximately 15¢/minute.
If you spoof your call and the call lasts 20 minutes, 20 minutes are deducted from your account.
I used to think that you would be charged for the initial connection of the call only and not for the total duration of the entire call, figuring that the Caller id spoof is only used upon the connection of the call.
I called customer service before purchasing the spoof minutes to verify that minutes are deducted for the duration of the call, which they did.
Anyway, spoofing your call is a good option when needed, but if done all the time, it can get very expensive.
I will see what the pricing structure is when the application becomes available.
But according to the picture in the link, it appears that the pricing will be the same as the Spoof card which is around 15¢ per minute.
Maybe WM pricing will be different.
As a side note, with the in call Recording applications that are now available for WM devices such as ACR In Call Recording by Slothie, using the Spoof recording option is not necessary, and with ACR, your recordings are your own and not on anyone's data base.
I may be missing something regarding the advantages of the Spoof application for WM, but for now I will use my Spoof pin sparingly until I see if there is more to the application integration than just it's ease of use.
Besides, if I integrate the application, it may make it too easy to purchase additional minutes
As a sidenote, if you have a Google Voice number, you can already spoof your number, sort of, as the number shown on the caller id will be your GV number and not your cellular number.
But with the Spoof application, you can make ANY number you choose, appear on the caller id.