Originally Posted by MinLo
Pyski do you still have any plans for an updated 6.1 rom? i thought you had posted a 6.1 would be released folling the 6.5 release but i may be wrong???
I tried almost evry 6.5 and I just dont like it no where as much as rodhium manilla with 6.1....
As i posted before your 6/29 is the best rom i have found...Couple of issues i have to deal with but no other rom compares.
my tf3d sometimes will not start on boot and i have to soft reset and sometime it ends up being multi softs resets til it/ll boot. i swear i have narrowed the issue down to installing the weather database cab to add my city, this last flash i havnt installed it and so far so good *crossing fingers*
all the other issues are rhoduim related but i deal with them.....lol
Main questio b4 the rambling was is: Are you done with 6.1 for good?
i agree with this good man.. 6.1 is gold. the very minute differences you see in 6.5 when using touchflo is not worth all the hassle and bugs that comes out with each new version. im not saying im against 6.5, but in its current beta status i stay clear.
psyki i know you love 6.1 at heart and 629 with a few quick mods was achieving near perfection! im not gonna say please make it because u do enough as is, but imo a 6.1 with new manilla should give us a good solid BASE to KEEP for yrs to come.. i know i would..