Originally Posted by ronenpg
cleanRAM v1.7
Version 1.7.0 - Windows Mobile 6.5 compatibility + New feature: Display Today Screen When Finished - Force display today screen when clean-up finished + New registry value (LangFolder) added that help you to define the default language folder. examples: if the file "htcAddicts_cleanRAM_Config.exe" and the language files are on the same folder you should need to clean this value (LangFolder="") and if the language files is on the folder with another name like: "Lang2", you need just edit the value to the right name. notice, you can't use "\" symbol. + Fixed bugs reported by the users community + New strings for language file added + Languages files added to cab file (last update: 28.08.09)
Good stuff!! Thanks bro keep up the GOOD WORK!!