Re: Vortex ROM by Andrewwelton [07/22/09] *Improved*
Well, I'll see how it goes, if it get yelled at I'll make it smaller. It doesnt seem very big to me, but I guess not everyone has a monitor at 1680x1050.
Also, I'm going to include Smartlock 1.7B in the V3 final. It is a VERY good lock program. It uses the Windows Mobile 6.5 lock and has a nice feature. If you get text messages while your phone is sleeping, when you turn it back on, you can tap on the lock and a little notification bar will drop out. You can then slide the appropriate notification and it will take you directly to the screen.
As for an expected release date, I'm still waiting to hear back from vin on something. But as soon as I do I'll let you guys know.
Phones: HTC Vogue (Incubusj2c's 2.2 RLS12) RETIRED
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (Rooted, stock FW)